Technology Performance Solutions
A critical step in our Performance Solutions is to maximize the effectiveness of technology. We perform over a dozen key assessments that help us understand the current state of a company with regards to its technological infrastructure. We use our proprietary algorithms and incorporate key elements of risks, product maturity, safety, sustainability of operations, data security, change management, scalability, and various other elements to rank the viability of growth and expansion to a desired optimal value.
Once we fully engage in our Equity Revitalization™ program, we convert the results of our assessments into a strategic growth plan to ensure that the technological systems allow the company to grow and achieve its optimal performance and optimum exit value.
Below are some of the key technological assessments and solutions that help identify the optimum value and optimal timing that go into our strategic exit strategy:
Reliability (Does it do what it’s supposed to do?)
TDD/BDD, DDD, FP, SOLID Principles, Feature Toggles, Testing practices
Resiliency (Is it fault tolerant?)
Production Stress Tests, Feature Toggles
Maintainability (How easily can we maintain the existing functionality?)
TDD/BDD, SOLID Principles, Clean Code
Extensibility (How easily can we add new functionality?)
TDD/BDD, SOLID Principles, Clean Code
Security (Is it secure?)
SAST, DAST, IAST, RASP, Security Culture
Observability (Are we sure that the system is performing as expected?)
Logging, Monitoring, APM, Dashboards, Anomaly Detection, Alerting
Scalability (How much growth can we handle?)
Microservices, 12 Factor App
Agility (How quickly and easily can we adapt to changing priorities?)
Lead Time for Changes, Cycle Time, Change Failure Rate, Time to Restore Services, WIP Limits, Agile Culture